Friday, September 14, 2012

Warrior Dash 2012

What can I saw about this AMAZING event. It was a BLAST and I cannot wait until next year to run! The Warrior Dash is a 5k obstacle course that leaves you covered head to toe in mud.
Last year my mom & aunts ran it but me being 6 weeks post-delivering-Ryder I wasn't up for it... but don't think I didn't really consider it! They had such a great time that we all signed up for it for the 2012 race. 

Austin and I had planned a date night out with our good friends the Milton's to go to the Oregon Brews & BBQs. Of course it had to be the day before the Warrior Dash, but I couldn't give up my date night out ;) We had a great time out, but I drank a little too much and wasn't feeling so hot the day of the race.. BUT I shook it off and ran the obstacle course in under 55:00 minutes! Go US ha, we were in no way doing it for time, we ran, didn't leave anyone behind & finished all together. It was so awesome to be able to run with my mom (who is in better shape than me! ;)) and my two aunts. I am so blessed to have such an active family and it keeps me motivated, I hope that when im in my 40's im still doing running events. My aunts had shirt made that said "Cougar'z!" and since Im only 23 mine said "Cub!" haha 

 Warrior hats :)


 Austin said he still thought I looked hot covered head to toe in mud! Thanks babe!

 Where we took a "bath" the water was warmer than it was outside.

Our next race is the "Race the Reaper" out at Flying M Ranch in Yamhill. This race is an 8k and more intense, the obstacles are harder and obviously the run is longer... i'm a little nervous, I am NOT a fan of heights and there are a lot of walls. I am super excited though because Austin is running it with us, he is excited and I know he will do awesome & will kick my butt! But we will see!