Thursday, January 19, 2012

SNOW day... well a snow MORNING...

We got SNOW!!! In the morning that is. It was a Sunday morning so Austin got up with Ryder and let me sleep in. When I woke up and happened to look outside, what did I see? SNOW. Screw sleeping in, my inner child was coming out full force. I was ready to play! So I got up, got Austin onboard and the baby all bundled up and we headed outside. Ryder had a BLAST. He had a big smile, was laughing and was loving being outside. It was fun to walk around and "play" in the snow. Just knowing that it was Ryder's first time seeing snow made it that much better.

 Bundled up and ready to GO!

 "umm dad, where are we going?"

My two favorite people

Spit up and of course we didn't bring anything to wipe it up with.... Daddy's sweatshirt will do.

How could you not love this face?

 or this one!! my goodness, he melts my heart :)

When I saw this I thought instantly of John 1:3

I am really hoping that this isn't the only snow we get this year.. I want a massive snow storm where we are all snowed in and can't get out! That would be just perfect :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Homemade Organic Gala Applesauce!!

We are doing the "4 day wait rule" in regards to introducing new foods to Ryder. Today was the day we could give him a new food. We gave him sweet potato last so this time we wanted to do Apples :) I of course didn't have any apples to use. So off to the store we went. We decided to stop by Austin's brother new place to check it out and visit since we were already out.. Anyways, We stopped at Safeway to get apples. Of course they HAVE to be Organic (only the best for buddy Ro hehe!) So we chose Organic Gala Apples.. They happened to be on sale so I bought a bunch. 

Here is the process of how I made his apple sauce.. SUPER EASY :) Don't believe me? Take a look!!

 awwww Pretty Organic apples. Its important for apples to be Organic because they are one of the "high pesticides" foods.... 

 Peel the apples.. I uses my favorite martha stewart peeler, I love it!! I hate peeling apples with a knife, I ALWAYS cut myself.. amateur I know!

 Cut all the apples into 1/4" pieces, toss into the Baby Brezza.. Turn to STEAM for 15 minutes..

 Once its done steaming I poured out some of the water into a small bowl. I didn't want it to be too runny but I wanted to save the water to add back in once I mixed it.. that water is high in nutrients.. better than adding regular water.

YUMMMMMMMM.... Can't find the blended final product.. I'll hunt the computer for it :) He did actually enjoy the apple sauce.. Can't you tell???

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Baby Brezza in ACTION!

I finally pulled out the Baby Brezza and put it to the test, and I have to say.... I LOVE it!! So easy. I want to make more and more baby food but I already made too much! Ryder isn't eating that much right now so I don't need to go crazy. Here was the process....

 Here we go, all out and ready to make.. SO I opened it all up, washed it and set it up. I decided to make sweet Ryder sweet potatoes. 

 pretty ;)

 Chopped and in the Brezza...

 25 minutes later and this is what I got... amazing!

Clean up was very easy as well.. I made another batch and it just got done. I better go get it before Ryder wakes up from his nap! Overall, I am in love... with my baby and with the Baby Brezza. I can't wait to make more fun foods for him. Oh, and I tasted it... Pretty good for sweet potatoes :) He will get his first taste of this goodness tonight for dinner! I'll post how it goes. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012


On JANUARY 4th, 2012:

Ryder had his FIRST taste of oatmeal cereal! I was planning on waiting until he was 6 months before ANY food BUT he had diarrhea pretty bad for a few days and I thought some substance would help... and sure enough it did! He was so cute, he wasn't sure what to think of it. He liked it for the most part but I know he will like some homemade fresh foods more in a few weeks!! he is such a happy baby, we couldn't ask for anything more!!  

Before the first taste!!

"hmmmmm this isn't so bad."

Messy baby, time for a BATH!!

Philippians 4:6-7

Don't worry about anything. Instead, tell God about everything. Ask and pray. Give thanks to him. Then God's peace will watch over your hearts and your minds because you belong to Christ Jesus. God's peace can never be completely understood. (NIRV)

I need to live by this, I am a horrible worry wort. I stress about stuff I have ZERO control over. I have anxiety and it drives me and others crazy! The last year if my life has been CRAZY and it has taken a toll on my body. I need to get back to a place of peace and enjoyment. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my life and am so blessed but I know I would feel so much better if I wasn't so anxious and stressed out, it's simply not healthy. God sent his one and only son to DIE on the cross for ME and you. He did this to take away our pain and burdens, he wants us to trust in him and give all our worries to him. I know I can start this by praying. God is the only one that truly understands my struggles better than I do and I know he can, and will, guide me in the right direction. 

I read a pray that gave me so much peace and what I need to pray EVERYDAY:

Dear Lord,

I need you now because I am full of stress and anxiety. Reading your Word brings comfort, as I ask you to come and take my heavy burdens. I take each burden, one by one, and lay them at your feet. Please carry them for me so that I don't have to. Replace them with your humble and gentle yoke so that I will find rest for my soul today. I receive you gift of peace of mind and heart. Thank you that I an lie down tonight in peace and sleep. I know that you, Lord, will keep me safe. I am not afraid because you are always with me. Please keep me daily, Lord, in your perfect peace.